What to Check Before You Turn on the Heat
Like it or not, winter is coming, and sooner than you think Already, we’re beginning to see the leaves change into...
Let’s face it. This time of year, many of us hold our breath and hope the facility’s HVAC system will make it through the winter. Maybe it’s an old system. Maybe the maintenance hasn’t been done in a while. Sometimes we forget about it until something goes wrong.
The good news is that a simple, visual inspection of your building’s heating and cooling equipment could reveal some easily solved issues that will improve performance and guard against breakdowns.
That’s why GEM Energy’s HVAC team is offering a
This efficient inspection is conducted without removal of panels or shutting down the system. It’s an assessment of your equipment by the look of it, approximate age, appearance of damaged coils, or any obvious leaks. We’ll also look for condensation where it shouldn’t be, check for closed economizers, and identify other readily apparent issues. Our HVAC experts know what to look for to uncover current or developing issues.
If repair needs are identified, we’re glad to take care of them. And if your needs exceed a quick quality check, we also offer an in-depth asset evaluation. When you have a GEM Energy Preventive Maintenance program, you aren’t charged for this more extensive evaluation. During the in-depth assessment, our HVAC technicians will look for several critical factors to determine if your HVAC system is running at peak performance, including:
Don’t let the need for a simple repair cause your entire system to shut down unexpectedly, causing lost productivity, revenue and time. Equipment that isn’t regularly maintained is more susceptible to unbudgeted repairs or replacement expenses—a potentially negative hit to your bottom line.
Our experts are ready to visit your facility and inspect your system—either a free Quick Quality check or a more extensive equipment assessment.
To request a free Quick Quality Check, you can:
For more information about GEM Energy’s HVAC Program:
Like it or not, winter is coming, and sooner than you think Already, we’re beginning to see the leaves change into...
During colder temperatures, your cooling systems are offline, making now the perfect time to think about the condition...
Is Your Equipment A Winter Disaster Waiting To Happen? We see it often in our business—facility managers who have so...