Supplemental facilities staff available for temporary or permanent needs
When critical facility staff members take a well-deserved vacation, those who remain on the job can sometimes suffer...
When your building is starting to show wear and tear, where do you start to determine priorities and develop a plan of attack?
The FM360 Complete Facility Assessment is designed to provide a roadmap to your facility’s current and future maintenance needs.
With an FM360 Complete Facility Assessment, you’ll be provided with a full appraisal of the condition of your building and grounds. Plus, you’ll get custom quotes on repairs and maintenance so you’ll know what expenses lie ahead.
The comprehensive report will provide you with detailed descriptions and costs, helping you save time, money and a huge headache.
to learn more about what’s included in the assessment, the benefits of completing an assessment, the timing involved, and the cost.
And when you’re ready to schedule your assessment, call or click below:
When critical facility staff members take a well-deserved vacation, those who remain on the job can sometimes suffer...
You may be one of the many businesses that operate with no dedicated facilities staff. The reasons for lack of...
No matter what you need, one phone call (or one text) takes care of it. FM360 was created to make life easier for...