Time for a Seasonal Building Checkup! Get Ready with a No-Obligation Winter Building Inspection. Summer is over, and...
Whether your facility gets soaked by rain, baked by the sun or frozen by feet of snow and ice, over time your parking lot, sidewalks and roadways will become damaged.
Weather elements, along with petroleum, oils and grease from cars and trucks, wreak havoc on your asphalt and concrete, causing cracks, crumbling and eventual breakdown.
Look for these warning signs if you’re not sure whether your parking lots and sidewalks need help:
What causes asphalt failure? During the fall and early winter, there tends to be an increase of rain before the precipitation turns to snow. This moisture can trickle down into the substrate where it eventually freezes during the cold winter months. Because of differential settlement, one section might expand and the other might not. You may have rock in one area of the substrate and clay in the other, and these differing substrates can cause failure in the asphalt.
FM360 offers total facility management, which includes inspection, repair and preventive maintenance for your sidewalks, parking lots and roadways. With FM360, this work can be provided as part of an ongoing service agreement, or as a one-time service.
The FM360 team has helped save customers thousands of dollars by conducting regular inspections, taking care of repairs as-needed, and providing ongoing maintenance on building exteriors.
, before the weather wreaks havoc on your parking lot.
Time for a Seasonal Building Checkup! Get Ready with a No-Obligation Winter Building Inspection. Summer is over, and...
Pipes burst at this health care facility, flooding the floor with inches of water. The FM360 team handled all repairs...
Performing regular winter maintenance projects before every winter season yields big long-term savings by protecting...